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MDS Cronobacter

Neogen MDS Assay Cronobacter 96 Tests

Artikelnummer 61859
Analyt: Cronobacter spp., Enterobacter, Enterobacter sakazakii Plattform: Molekulares Detektionssystem Result Type: Qualitativ Limit of Detection: 1 Colony Forming Unit (CFU) per portion Time to Result: 19.6 - 25.6 Stunden Akkreditierungen: AOAC® Official Method of Analysis℠ (OMA) 2018.01, AOAC® Performance Tested℠ (PTM) Certificate #101703, NF VALIDATION by AFNOR certification 3M 01/20-03/18
  • Accurate, next-day results for the detection of Cronobacter spp. in powdered infant formula and related samples.
  • One post-enrichment assay protocol and fewer steps than most tests reduces repetitive tasks and makes it easy to train employees.
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